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Repair manuals and schematic diagram of the ScanDoc adapter


  1. Schematic diagram and arrangement of elements ScanDoc Compact
  2. Test adapter circuit

Short test

A short test is performed by the adapter on its own right at power up. This test checks the internal nodes of the adapter. If the test fails, the red indicator on the adapter will flash an error code.

The error number consists of two decimal digits. Each digit is encoded by the number of short flashes of the indicator. A long flash indicates the beginning of the code. A pause of 3 seconds signals the end of the first part and the beginning of the second part of the code. Pause 4 seconds signals the end of the code.


For example, error 31 would look like this:
Long, pause 2 seconds, short, short, short, pause 2 seconds, short, pause 3 seconds.

Error description

The code Error description
1 Memory test failed

The internal RAM memory of the microcontroller is tested. This error can occur not only due to a RAM malfunction, but also for other reasons.

Possible causes

  • Poor D2 processor power.
  • The power or ground feet of the D2 processor are not soldered.
  • Faulty D2 processor.
  • Not soldered or not working C6.
2 Unable to initialize K line

An error occurs when a program cannot initialize a UART.

Possible causes

  • Poor D2 processor power.
  • The power or ground feet of the D2 processor are not soldered.
  • Defective D2 processor.
  • Not soldered or not working C6.
3 Invalid PULLK Line Initial Condition

After power-up, the PULLK line must have a logical 0.
This line is pulled by the resistance in the transistor assembly VT16: 1 to ground.

Possible causes

  • Faulty or not soldered VT16.
  • The PULLK line is shorted to power.
4 Invalid TXDK Line Initial Condition

After power-up, the TXDK line must be logical 1.
This line is pulled by resistance R63 by + 3.3V.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R63.
  • The TXDK line is shorted to ground.
5 Incorrect IPULLK Line Initial Condition

After power-up, the IPULLK line must have a logical 0.
This line is being pulled by resistance R64 to the ground.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R64.
  • The IPULLK line is shorted to power.
6 Incorrect initial condition of the UREFF line

After power-up, there should be a logical 0 on the UREFF line.
This line is pulled by resistance R7 to the ground.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R7.
  • The UREFF line is shorted to power.
7 Incorrect PULL Line Condition

After power-up, the PULLL line must have a logical 0.
This line is pulled by the resistance in the transistor assembly VT17: 1 to ground.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R64.
  • The PULLL line is shorted to power.
8 Incorrect TXDL Line Initial Condition

After power on, the TXDL line should be logical 1.
This line is pulled by resistance R57 by + 3.3V.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R57.
  • The TXDL line is shorted to ground.
9 Invalid BOOTSW Line Initial Condition

After power-up, the BOOTSW line should be logical 1. This line is pulled up by the resistance R42 by + 3.3V.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R42.
  • The BOOTSW line is shorted to ground.
10 Invalid ITXDK Line Initial Condition

After power-up, there should be a logical 1 on the ITXDK line. This voltage forms the resistance R21.

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered R21.
  • The ITXDK line is shorted to ground.
11 Incorrect initial K line voltage condition

After turning on the power, the voltage should be no more than 1.4 V on the K line. This voltage forms the D5 driver. If the voltage is higher, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • The К line is shorted to power.
  • One of the keys VT2, VT16 is open.
  • Defective D5 chip.
  • One of the relays K1, K3, K5, K7 is shorted. But on one of the pins 1, 3, 7, 13 of the OBDII connector there is voltage.
12 Incorrect initial condition of voltage L line

After turning on the power, the voltage on the L line should be no more than 1.4 V. This voltage forms the D5 driver. If the voltage is higher, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • The L line is shorted to power.
  • Open key VT17.
  • Breakdown on the D5 chip.
  • One of the relays K2, K4, K6, K8, K9, K10 is shorted. At the same time, voltage is present at one of the terminals 11, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 15 of the OBDII connector.
13 Supply voltage below 7 volts

An error is generated if the input voltage is lower than 7V. The microcontroller measures the supply voltage through the divider R29, R34

Possible causes

  • Defective or not soldered resistance R29, R34.
  • Fuse F1 defective.
  • Faulty diode VD20.
  • Defective D2 processor.
14 Suspension stabilizer voltage out of range 5 volts

The test generates a voltage on the stabilizer pull-up DA1 voltage of 5 volts. This is done by setting the signals UREF5V = 0 and UREFF = 0. The resulting voltage is controlled using the divider R40, R41

Possible causes

  • Defective or unsoldered components DA1, R1, VT5, VT4, R6, R5, R40, R41.
15 Suspension stabilizer voltage out of range 8 volts

The test generates a voltage on the stabilizer pull-up DA1 voltage of 8 volts. This is done by setting the signals UREF5V = 1 and UREFF = 0. The resulting voltage is controlled using the divider R40, R41

Possible causes

  • Defective or unsoldered components DA1, R1, VT5, VT4, R6, R5, R40, R41.
16 K-line lift does not turn on

The test turns on the K line pull-up voltage to the supply voltage UREFF = 0 and turns on the PULLK = 1 pull-up. After that, the voltage on the K line through the divider R33, R36 is monitored

Possible causes

  • The K line is shorted to ground.
  • Transistor VT 9 is turned on unauthorized.
  • Transistor VT16 does not work.
17 K-line comparator does not work when turning on the suspender

The test turns on the K-line pull-up voltage to the supply voltage UREFF = 0 and turns on the pull-up PULLK = 1. After that, the voltage at the output of the comparator DA2 is monitored: 1

Possible causes

  • Not soldered resistance R11, R59.
  • DA2: 1 chip does not work.
  • Defective chip D1: 1.
18 Inverter D1: 1 does not work IRXDK lines

The test turns on the K-line pull-up voltage to the supply voltage UREFF = 0 and turns on the PULLK = 1 pull-up. After that, the inverter D1: 1 output is monitored. It should be zero.

Possible causes

  • Not soldered resistance R11, R59.
  • DA2: 1 chip does not work.
  • Defective chip D1: 1.
19 K-line lift does not turn off

The test turns off the K-line pull-up and after 40 ms monitors the voltage on the K-line through the divider R33, R36

Possible causes

  • Faulty transistor VT16.
  • Large capacity in the K-line.
  • K-line is shorted to power.
20 K-line comparator does not work when turning off the suspender

The test turns off the K-line lift and after 40 ms monitors the status at the output of the comparator DA2: 1. The output must be a logical 0.

Possible causes

  • Defective comparator DA2:1.
21 K-line comparator switching speed too slow

The test shorted the K-line to ground and after 5 microseconds monitors the status of the RXDK line. If there is still a logical 1 on the RXDK line, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Defective comparator DA2:1.
  • Large K-line capacity.
22 Inverter D1: 1 does not work IRXDK lines

The test turns off the K-line pull-up and after 40 ms monitors the state at the output of the inverter D1: 1. The output should be logical 1.

Possible causes

  • Inverter D1: 1 is faulty.
23 K-line does not shorted to the ground

The test shorted the K-line to ground and after 10 ms monitors the voltage on the K-line. If it is more than 0.3V, an error is formed.

Possible causes

  • Elements VT9, VT10: 2, R62, D3: 2 do not work.
  • High resistance of the resistor R28.
24 Error on K-line transmission with 12V pull-up

The test transmits byte 0x55 at a speed of 115200 baud to the K-line and receives the transmitted byte back. If the transmitted and received bytes do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Relays K1, K3, K7, K13 are shorted.
  • Faulty CAN driver D5.
  • Large K-line capacity.
  • K-line interference.
25 Wrong ground pull-up resistor rating

The test disables the K-line pull-up to power supply PULLK = 0, turns on the K-line pull-up to ground IPULLK = 1 and monitors the voltage on the K line through the divider R33, R36. There should be 0 on the K-line.

Possible causes

  • Resistance R15 is not soldered.
  • The transistor VT12 is not working.
  • K-line leak to power.
26 No K-line suspender to the ground

The test involves pulling the K-line to power and ground PULLK = 1, IPULLK = 1 and monitors the voltage on the K-line through the divider R33, R36.

Possible causes

  • Malfunctioning
27 AINK line circuit response too fast

The test shorted the K-line to ground, and after 5 μs it controls the voltage on the divider R33, R36. If the voltage drops below the threshold, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • The capacitance of the capacitor C8 is not soldered or incorrect.
28 AINL line circuit response too fast

The test shorts the L-line to ground, and after 5 μs it controls the voltage on the divider R37, R39. If the voltage drops below the threshold, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • The capacitance of the capacitor C9 is not soldered or incorrect.
29 Error on K-line transmission with 5 Volt pull-up

The test sends the 0xAA byte at a speed of 1200 baud to the K-line and receives the byte transmitted back. If the transmitted and received bytes do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Relays K1, K3, K7, K13 are shorted.
  • Faulty CAN driver D5.
  • Large K-line capacity.
  • K-line interference.
30 K-line does not shorted on UPWR

The test sets a logical 0 on the ITXDK line, and monitors the voltage on the K-line. This verifies the inclusion of the top key VT2.

Possible causes

  • One of the elements VT2, VD1, R4, VT3, D1: 2 is faulty.
31 Inverse K-Line Transmission Error

The test transmits byte 0x54 at 115200 baud to the inverse K-line and receives the transmitted byte back. If the transmitted and received bytes do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted relay K1, K3, K7, K13.
  • Faulty CAN driver D5.
  • Large K-line capacity.
  • K-line interference.
32 L-line lift does not turn on

The test includes the pull-up voltage of the L line to the supply voltage UREFF = 0 and turns on the pull-up PULLL = 1. After that, the voltage on the L line through the divider R37, R39 is monitored.

Possible causes

  • The L line is shorted to ground.
  • Unauthorized activation of the transistor VT18.
  • Transistor VT17 does not work.
33 The L line comparator does not work when the braces are turned on

The test includes the pull-up voltage of the L line to the supply voltage UREFF = 0 and includes the pull-up PULLL = 1. After that, the voltage at the output of the comparator DA2: 2 is monitored.

Possible causes

  • Not soldered resistance R60, R27.
  • DA2: 2 chip does not work.
34 L line pullup does not turn off

The test turns off the L line pull-up and after 40 ms monitors the voltage on the L line through the divider R37, R39

Possible causes

  • Faulty transistor VT17.
  • Large capacity in L line.
  • L line is shorted to power.
35 The L line comparator does not work when the suspender is turned off

The test turns off the L line pull-up and after 40 ms monitors the status at the output of the comparator DA2: 2. The output must be a logical 0.

Possible causes

  • Defective comparator DA2:2.
36 L line does not short to ground

The test shorts the L line to ground and after 10 ms monitors the voltage on the L line. If it is more than 0.3V, an error is formed.

Possible causes

  • One of the elements VT18, VT10: 1, R61, D3: 1 does not work.
  • High resistance of the resistor R28.
37 Error while transmitting on L line

The test transmits byte 0x45 at a speed of 115200 baud to the K-line and receives the transmitted byte back. If the transmitted and received bytes do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Relays K2, K4, K6, K8, K9, K10 are shorted
  • Faulty CAN driver D5.
  • Large capacity L line.
  • Interference on the L line.

Full test

A full test requires a test adapter. This test is needed to check all the hardware nodes of the device, its switch and diagnostic lines.


  1. Install the test adapter in the OBD-2 scanner connector.
  2. Apply power to the adapter and establish communication with the device.
  3. The red indicator on the device lights up. This means that the hardware test has begun.
  4. At the end of the test, the indicator will turn off (if there are no hardware errors), or it will display an error code using flashes.
Attention! Testing cannot be carried out when the scanner is connected to the vehicle.

Error description

The code Error description
38 7 or 11 output is shorted to power or to ground

When transmitting data from line 7 to line 11, the transmitter controls what is being transmitted to the line. If the line is shorted, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted to ground or power to relay K5 or K2.
  • Suppressors VD14 or VD9 are shorted.
39 Open circuit 7 or 11 output

The test transmits a packet on line 7 and receives this packet on line 11. If the transmitted packet is not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Faulty or not soldered relay K5 or K2.
  • Slow response time (more than 5 ms) of the K5 or K2 relay.
40 Interference 7 or 11 pins

The test transmits a packet on line 7 and receives this packet on line 11. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • High resistance of the output circuit of the relay K5 or K2.
  • Slow response time (less than 5 ms) of relay K5 or K2.
  • Large capacity of VD14 or VD9 suppressors.
41 7 and 14 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 7. If the transmitted packet is received on line 14, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K9 relay.
42 7 and 12 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 7. If the transmitted packet is received on line 8, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K4 relay.
43 7 and 8 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 7. If the transmitted packet is received on line 12, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K8 relay.
44 7 and 9 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 7. If the transmitted packet is received on line 9, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K6 relay.
45 2 or 12 output is shorted to power or to ground

When transmitting data from 2 lines to 12, the transmitter controls what is transferred to the line. If the line is shorted, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted to ground or power to relay K11 or K8.
  • The suppressors VD3 or VD17 are shorted.
46 Open circuit 2 or 12 output

The test transmits a packet in 2 lines and receives this packet in 12 lines. If the transmitted packet is not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Faulty or soldered relay K11 or K12.
  • Slow response time (more than 5 ms) of K11 or K12 relay.
47 Interference in circuit 2 or 12 output

The test transmits a packet in 2 lines and receives this packet in 12 lines. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • High resistance of relay output circuit K11 or K8.
  • Slow response time (less than 5 ms) for K11 or K8 relays.
  • Large capacity suppressors VD3 or VD17.
48 2 and 14 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 2 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 14, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K9 relay.
49 2 and 11 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 2 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 11, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of relay K2.
50 2 and 8 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 2 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 8, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of relay K4.
51 2 and 9 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 2 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 9, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K6 relay.
52 3 or 8 pin shorted to power or ground

When transmitting data from 3 lines to 8, the transmitter controls what is transferred to the line. If the line is shorted, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted to ground or power relay K3 or K4.
  • The suppressors VD11 or VD12 are shorted.
53 Open circuit 3 or 8 pins

The test transmits a packet in 3 lines and receives this packet in 8 lines. If the transmitted packet is not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Faulty or not soldered relay K3 or K4.
  • Slow response time (more than 5 ms) of K3 or K4 relay.
54 Interference 3 or 8 pins

The test transmits a packet in 3 lines and receives this packet in 8 lines. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • High resistance of output circuit of relay K3 or K4.
  • Slow response time (less than 5 ms) of relay K3 or K4.
  • Large capacity suppressors VD11 or VD12.
55 3 and 14 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 3 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 14, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K9 relay.
56 3 and 11 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 3 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 11, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K2 relay.
57 3 and 12 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 3 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 12, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K8 relay.
58 3 and 9 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet in 3 lines. If the transmitted packet is received on line 9, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K6 relay.
59 13 or 9 output is shorted to power or to ground

When transmitting data from line 13 to 9, the transmitter controls what is being transmitted to the line. If the line is shorted, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Is shorted to ground or powered by relay K7 or K6.
  • The suppressors VD16 or VD15 are shorted.
60 Open circuit 13 or 9 output

The test transmits a packet on line 13 and receives this packet on line 9. If the transmitted packet is not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Faulty or not soldered relay K7 or K6.
  • Slow response time (more than 5 ms) of K7 or K6 relays.
61 Interference 13 or 9 pins

The test transmits a packet on line 13 and receives this packet on line 9. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • High resistance of relay output circuit K7 or K4.
  • Slow response time (less than 5 ms) for K7 or K6 relays.
  • Large capacity suppressors VD16 or VD15.
62 13 and 14 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 13. If the transmitted packet is received on line 14, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of relay K9.
63 13 и 11 выводы Закорочены

The test transmits the packet on line 13. If the transmitted packet is received on line 11, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of relay K2.
64 13 and 12 conclusions are shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 13. If the transmitted packet is received on line 12, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K8 relay.
65 13 and 8 conclusions shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 13. If the transmitted packet is received on line 8, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K4 relay.
66 13 and 9 conclusions shorted

The test transmits the packet on line 13. If the transmitted packet is received on line 9, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Shorted or unauthorized activation of the K6 relay.
67 1 or 9 output is shorted to power or to ground

When transmitting data from 1 line to 9, the transmitter controls what is transferred to the line. If the line is shorted, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Is shorted to ground or powered by relay K1 or K6.
  • The suppressors VD10 or VD15 are shorted.
68 Open circuit 1 or 9 output

The test transmits a packet on 1 line and receives this packet on 9 lines. If the transmitted packet is not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • Faulty or unsoldered relay K1 or K6.
  • Slow response time (more than 5 ms) of relay K1 or K6.
69 Interference in 1 or 9 output circuit

The test transmits a packet on 1 line and receives this packet on 9 lines. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

  • High resistance of the output circuit of relay K1 or K4.
  • Slow response time (less than 5 ms) of relay K1 or K6.
  • Large capacity suppressors VD or VD.
70 CAN line 2 no reception

The test transmits a CAN packet on the CAN1 line and receives this packet on the CAN2 line. If the transmitted packet was not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

71 Линия CAN 2 принят неправильный пакет данных

The test transmits a CAN packet on the CAN1 line and receives this packet on the CAN2 line. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes

72 CAN line 1 no reception

The test transmits a CAN packet on the CAN2 line and receives this packet on the CAN1 line. If the transmitted packet was not received, an error is generated.

Possible causes

73 CAN line 1 received invalid data packet

The test transmits a CAN packet on the CAN2 line and receives this packet on the CAN1 line. If the transmitted and received packets do not match, an error is generated.

Possible causes